Teenage Anxiety: Too Stressed To Eat
This article by the telegraph tells us the problems anxiety teenagers and children face. In my work as a child therapist in Harrow, i help teenagers overcome anxiety related problem.
A recent survey has suggested that almost half of British children have been unable to sleep because of stress and anxiety issues , with others missing meals which is both dangerous to physical and mental health. At NLP4Kids we frequently work with teenagers experiencing anxiety issues at home and at school to reduce the negative impact of stress and mental health problems.
The poll revealed around 58% of 10 to 14-year-olds admitted they felt worried or stressed at least once a week, with more than one in six of those questioned admitting to feeling this way once a day. The YouGov survey, commissioned by the Big Lottery Fund, found 45% of youngsters surveyed said they had not been able to sleep because of how they were feeling, while 13% said they had been unable to eat, and more than a fifth (21%) had avoided meeting up with friends. Children were most likely to fret about tests and exams (57%), followed by family problems – such as their parents splitting up or someone losing their job – (31%) and being bullied at school or a club (30%).
Three in four (75%) 10 to 14-year-olds believed a healthy body was as important as a healthy mind, while parents were the people children were most likely to turn to for help if they were feeling worried or sad, followed by friends and then grandparents. The survey was commissioned to mark the launch of the Big Lottery Fund’s £75m HeadStart initiative, which is aimed at helping youngsters aged 10 to 14 cope with the pressure of modern life. Research suggests that around only one in four young people needing help for mental health problems actually receive treatment, the fund said, and this usually happened only when they turned 18.
Big Lottery Fund England director Dharmendra Kanani said: “These survey results give us a window into what’s going on in the minds of young people.
“We know more about mental health and teenage anxiety than ever before, for example the onset of lifelong mental health conditions start before the age of 18 and most poor mental health conditions take grip during our adolescence, especially between the ages of 10 and 14.
“The Big Lottery Fund is investing £75m to enable children to have a better chance of dealing with the knocks and setbacks in life which many adults take for granted. “For many young people, how they feel about themselves, their self-esteem, confidence or negative peer pressure can become deeply troubling, take root and lead to crime, self-harm or even suicide.
“But with the right support and access to help at this key transition stage of our lives, we aim to show that young people can be given a HeadStart to lead happier, more fulfilling lives.” The Chief Medical Officer, Professor Dame Sally Davies, said: “We already know that most lifelong mental health problems start to develop by the time a child reaches the age of 14 so it is vital that they are identified and get the support and treatment they need as early as possible. “The HeadStart programme promises to be a fantastic way of reaching and helping children at risk of developing long-term mental health issues and helping more children to grow up happy and healthy.”
It appears that there are measures to help anxious teenagers overcome their worries and fears, however I wonder how timely these measures will be? For immediate help with an anxious teen contact Priya@NLP4Kids.org
Thank you so much for this article. I have a son who has terrible anxiety and will be getting in touch to find out how you can help.
Thank you for your feedback. Hope you found some techniques useful.